How 2023 Market Research Trends Overlap 2023 Top Tech Trends

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CBInsights.com produced a fascinating research report on ‘Overall Top Tech Trends for 2023.’ While one of their top trends, the search for immortality through tinkering with cellular processes or regenerating body parts, probably won’t directly impact market research in the short term, it is interesting to see where the overlap exists with predicted 2023 market research trends.

The Invasion of Super Apps

The top tech companies are each seeking to create a digital ecosystem that users never need to leave. These go-to combined platforms will try to handle all online activities like search, e-commerce and digital identification for monetization. Market research will continue its move to mobile first online surveys due to their cost effectiveness and ease of set-up. With mobile phones responsible for around 68% of web traffic globally in 2020, it is easy to see how market research could integrate with the super apps for wider reach and speed of response.

User-Generated Content

A top tech trend for 2023 is the passive collection of data by healthcare companies. They continuously collect data via ongoing, often remote patient monitoring and it will only become more pervasive as patients enthusiastically support it as well. The crackdown on tools that monitor online activity and third-party cookie tracking is forcing market researchers to find non-intrusive ways to gather real insights, real data. Finding ways to promote user-generated content to solve the data privacy issue will provide this passive data on which market researchers thrive, and is one of the significant 2023 market research trends.

Smell Goes Digital

Companies are beginning to be able to accurately measure, analyze and predict odors. This could lead to better detection of disease, explosives or food ripeness. Google identified a smell that mosquitos avoided, offering an opportunity for a more effective repellent. Couple smell identification with a market researcher’s ability to conduct social media listening for real time insights and you have the final sense covered…smell, see, hear, touch and taste.

Faster Market Research

This may be less about a tech trend and more about the impact of the pandemic. The forced technology of the pandemic increased the interest of market researchers, 67% in one study, to more innovative techniques, software and solutions. More than 60% of market researchers say automation has helped them deliver results faster with lower costs.

What is one of your company’s hottest 2023 market research trends? Discuss that and your career with the Market Research and Consumer Insights Executive Recruiters at Smith Hanley Associates. Contact Practice Lead, Lindsey Bartlett at lbartlett@smithhanley.com.

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