What Market Researchers Look for in a New Company

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At The Quirk’s Event  in late February 2021 Smith Hanley Executive Recruiters in Market Research and Consumer Insights, Lindsey Bartlett and Daniel Wilberschied, presented Confessions of a Headhunter and asked the attendees what market researchers look for in a new company. The live poll results:

What Market Researchers Look For in a New Company

Collaborative Culture 35%

Not surprised this is #1 in what market researchers look for in a new company. Candidates don’t want to feel siloed in their work. They want to get the support they need and have sounding boards via their associates and their supervisors. Leaders in the collaborative culture haven’t been given respect and power, they’ve earned it. Mistakes are treated as learning experiences not shameful errors. In this virtual, remote environment we’ve been experiencing this past year, it is pivotal that individuals are able to connect with their teammates and their organization on a regular basis.

Long-term Growth Potential 31%

This has been an unwavering goal of what market researchers look for in a new company. Candidates need to know their trajectory and long-term potential at an organization. Organizations want to make sure candidates are committing for the long-term. Interview practices from both sides of the desk address this question.  Companies must have opportunities to learn through conferences, support for advanced degrees and training programs. A potential employee who shows a willingness to go the extra mile to take advantage of these opportunities in their prior jobs or in their future goals is critical to companies. A level of interest in an organization that shows the candidate has researched and “matched” themselves with the company’s vision and culture, and an organization that clearly defines and projects a clear vision and culture will fulfill the long-term growth potential goal.

Compensation 23%

We hear “team environment and interest level in the work outweighs a salary increase” very often. While we don’t think candidates are interested in making a completely lateral move or a step backwards in comp, they are more open minded than you think.

Interested in checking if your compensation makes sense? Here is the chart presented in Confessions of a Headhunter at The Quirk’s Event.

Market Research 2020 Salaries


Diversity & Inclusion 10%

This has recently become a more common request of what market researchers look for in a new company as well as a goal of employers. Common upgrades within organizations have been gender neutral language, creating an “inclusivity and diversity” task force, expanding the holiday calendar or making sure the office is wheelchair accessible. Buy in from the top is critical for this to work.

Creating a diverse workforce is visible both inside and outside the organization. Creating an inclusive workplace that welcomes and includes each employee has greater benefits than just a warm and fuzzy feeling. Deloitte reports “that inclusive workplaces are 6x as likely to be innovative and have 2.3x the cash flow per employee.”

Interesting in talking further about your market research career? Contact Smith Hanley Executive Recruiters Lindsey Bartlett at lbartlett@smithhanley.com or Daniel Wilberschied at dwilberschied@smithhanley.com.

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