Market Research, A Booming Career Option

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Not sure what to do with that social science degree? Be a market researcher!


One of the most popular questions I receive from those finishing school is, “How do I break into the market research world?” The answer is GET TRAINED! We are in a research world where the best talent is the person who can understand both qualitative and quantitative techniques as well as relay insights back to those who need to hear it.

One of the Fastest Growing Jobs in the U.S.

Marketing Research is becoming one of the fastest growing jobs in the United States and according to Boston.com is #25 on the list of the top 30 fastest growing jobs by 2018. According to the U.S. Department of Labor the median annual wage for a marketing researcher is $62,560.

Get Your Master’s Degree

Marketing Research or Consumer Insights is an innovative career option and becoming more popular among new grads and millennials. The ideal candidates will have a Master’s degree, and unlike ten years ago, today more than just a handful of colleges and universities offer market research programs for undergrad AND grad! Here is a link to Master’s programs specific to Market Research and Analytics brought to us by the Insights Association.

The Work is Fascinating!

Our friends at the University of Wisconsin-Madison compiled “7 Reasons To Choose a Market Research Career” back in 2013 and all the points are still relevant today. Researchers are well educated, strategic, respected and provide insights that keep the world running, keep consumers happy, and help organizations grow.  As the article says, “The work is fascinating!”

Like being a researcher and looking for your next career move? Looking to hire marketing research talent? Contact Lindsey Bartlett, Executive Recruiter Smith Hanley Associates‘ Market Research Practice Lead at lbartlett@smithhanley.com or 312.589.7586.

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