With everyone pressed for time sometimes the interview process gets short shrift. In this candidate driven, low unemployment marketplace, it pays to reassess your hiring process and make sure simple changes that could be made aren’t costing you top-notch candidates.
Your Interview Process is Disorganized
Cancellations, rescheduling, gaps in the in-person interview day all send the wrong message to your candidate. Try to use technology efficiently to more easily screen the candidates and then when someone is scheduled for an on-site, make it a special day for the candidate and your employees. By the time they get to your offices, you should be 90% convinced they will get an offer and the candidate should be 100% interested in your firm.
You Forget to Sell as well as Assessing to Buy
Yes, the candidate is coming in for you to be sure this is the right candidate for your opening, but don’t forget they are assessing you and your firm as well. Your interviewers should be enthusiastic and passionate about what they do and able to translate that to the candidate. Inspire the candidate with the opportunity you and your firm offer. If you can’t do this, because you don’t believe, this is the wrong place for you and your candidate will make that assessment, too.
You Take Too Long to Respond
Human Resources departments have been cut-back and downsized. Fewer support staff exist everywhere. But don’t let your interview process drag out too long because candidates get lost in the shuffle. The best candidates are not on the market for very long. Keeping candidates informed of vacations and off-site meetings that disrupt the process is one thing, but going dark for more than a week is a mistake.
You Exclude the Recruiter
Your recruiter should be your partner in the interview process. The candidate will provide them with information and insight they may not feel comfortable sharing with you. The recruiter can also advise you on the scarcity or not of the skill set you are looking for. This will help you prioritize the speed with which you pursue the candidate.
Your Offer is Not Competitive
Low balling in a candidate driven market is a mistake. Candidates know when an offer is fair and will respond with a rational reaction when the offer is made. Clarity on the entire package at the point of offer also adds to your firm’s credibility and expresses a clear interest in the candidate. They will be impressed if you answer their questions before they ask them. Your recruiter is invaluable at this stage in the process. Use them!