PMSA 2017 – Discover the Magic Recap

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PMSA 2017 was held last week in Orlando with a theme of Discover the Magic. It was a terrific conference with over 300 analytic professionals in attendance. If you aren’t familiar with the PMSA (Pharmaceutical Management Science Association) and work in analytics in the health care industry, you are missing out on a great resource for your career development and for networking with peers who are dealing with your same business questions and issues. (Click here to become a member of PMSA.)

President of the PMSA, Karthik Chidambaram from Genentech, welcomed the attendees and commented on how nice it was to see everyone again. Attend once and you will become a regular. The entire PMSA Board was very involved in introducing the speakers and managing the very informative question and answer sessions after every presentation. This is a practitioner, volunteer led association and conference. Here are some presentation highlights:

Big Data in Healthcare is Here

Changes in both traditional and non- traditional EHR collection will be the way of he future. The use of Fit bits, Smartphones, etc will change the healthcare system and health promotions globally. Keynote speaker, Dr. Joel Selanikio, has had a fascinating career and gave a very insightful talk on this topic.

Data Scientists are Coming to Pharma Commercial Analytics

As SAS is becoming more of a ‘not to go to’ tool in analyzing data, machine learning for predictive modeling is replacing it to analyze the data for end –to-end patient and physician level signals.

New Analytics Techniques that are Driving New Business Insights

Real World Evidence (RWE ) data is driving commercial and brand strategy. Digital information to HCPs, traditional data, social media and text analytics are all helping influence KOL s. Rohan Fernando and Dharmendra Sahay of ZS Associates gave an interesting talk on how to build an analytics organization to take advantage of these diverse data sources.

Social Media Data is Assisting Sales Forecasting

Social Media data is definitely viable and very valuable in sales forecasting. Consumers (patients) are using what is at their fingertips to learn and ask their HCP what is best for them. Ashish Sharma and Cheng Wang of Axtria gave a talk on social listening.

Data Strategy and Data Governance is Driving Commercial Excellence

Data Governance will enable the next generation of analytics and insights through ROI commercial excellence. Asheesh Sharma and Vineet Rathi of Axtria discussed the implementation of a data governance program at Janssen in detail in their presentation.

The PMSA is quite generous and shares all the speaker’s bios and presentations at www.pmsa.net/2017pres. Take advantage of this free opportunity to see what the hot topics are in your industry and specialty area.

Also, congratulations to Kevin Kirby, Partner at Michael Allen Corporation, for winning the PMSA Lifetime Achievement Award for contributions to the PMSA and the pharma analytics industry.

Want to hear more about PMSA 2017 or discuss your role in this dynamic career area? Contact Smith Hanley Associates Executive Recruiter and recent PMSA conference attendee, Eda Zullo, at ezullo@smithhanley.com or 203.319-4309.

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