How to End Your Job Interview

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No, I don’t have any further questions. I really need this job. I’d love to work for your company; when can I start? No, I don’t have anything else I’d like to add. Let me know if I get the job. I know I don’t have much experience, but…What do all of these statements have in common? How NOT to end your job interview! Here are six steps for how to end your job interview effectively.

Ask Questions

Almost every interviewer will end your job interview with, “Have you got any questions for us?” You must have a question or two or three. Answering this inquiry with a no, means you aren’t very inquisitive and perhaps aren’t genuinely interested in the role.

Confront Any Issues

You might ask them, “Do you have any concerns about my ability to do this role?” It does seem a little counterintuitive to end a job interview with a discussion of your weak points, but if they do have concerns, it gives you a chance to address them. You’ve done your homework in digging into the job description. You know where your weaknesses are. Use this opportunity to sell yourself.

Highlight Your Interest and Your Skills

As the interview winds down either through the questions you ask or by making a closing statement remind them of the great match you are for this position, the key skills you bring with you and how interested you are in working for them. Everyone wants to be loved and this is your chance show your level of commitment and interest.

Next Step?

Ask them specifically what happens next. Depending on your understanding of where you are in the interview process the question could be, When will I hear from you? Is there anything else you need from me? Or even Am I still in consideration for this role? Not too pushy, but, hey, you want the job!

Be Polite

Thank everyone for their time and shake hands firmly making eye contact, if this interview is in-person. Always, always email (or text if you have been using that method to schedule) a two to three sentence thank you note.

Good luck! I hope you get the job! If you are starting a job search, contact Smith Hanley Associates Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing Executive Recruiter, Nancy Ragonese at nragonese@smithhanley.com.

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