Happy 41st Birthday, Smith Hanley Associates!

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Join us in declaring a Happy 41st Birthday for Smith Hanley Associates. It’s appropriate that our birthday is on St. Patrick’s Day.  Our founder, Tom Hanley, had his genealogy done and found out he is 96% Irish. Longevity and consistency are adjectives to describe Smith Hanley. Our average employee tenure is 13 1/2 years with our four partners averaging 34 years!

What does all that experience get for you as a candidate or a client?  You get recruiters with experience, time-tested relationships and in-depth knowledge of their niche and their market. Talented candidates receive informed career advice and clients hire precisely targeted employees.  We specialize in multiple areas including Wall Street quantitative trading and technology, data science and analytics, market research and consumer insights, actuarial science, pharmaceutical sales, training and marketing, pharmaceutical commercial analytics and biostatisticians and clinical data managers.

So faith and begorrah or in American English, by gosh and by golly, put us to work for you.  You will have the luck (and the experience) of the Irish!  Happy 41st Birthday, Smith Hanley Associates.

The Partners and Recruiters at Smith Hanley Associates


Tom Hanley, President, thanley@smithhanley.com

Rick Wastrom, Partner, rwastrom@smithhanley.com

Jacque Paige, Partner, jpaige@smithhanley.com

Jud Smith, Partner, jsmith@smithhanley.com

Sandy DeChello, Support Staff, sdechello@smithhanley.com

Deirdre Kiniry, Executive Recruiter, dkiniry@smithhanley.com

Eda Zullo, Executive Recruiter, ezullo@smithhanley.com

Jen Fekete, Accounts Receivable Manager, jfekete@smithhanley.com

Nancy Darian, Executive Recruiter, ndarian@smithhanley.com

Dave Matz, Executive Recruiter, dmatz@smithhanley.com

Paul Chatlos, Executive Recruiter, pchatlos@smithhanley.com

Nihar Parikh, Executive Recruiter, nparikh@smithhanley.com

Nancy Ragonese, Executive Recruiter, nragonese@smithhanley.com

Lindsey Bartlett, Executive Recruiter, lbartlett@smithhanley.com

Rory Hauser, Executive Recrutier, rhauser@smithhanley.com

Rory O’Neill, Executive Recruiter,  roneill@smithhanley.com

Daniel Wilberschied, Executive Recruiter, dwilberschied@smithhanley.com


Reach out to any of our employees for assistance in your job search or in your hiring need.  We will direct you to the right person to help you.

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