Want to be an Actuary? {Infographic}

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Do you want to be an actuary? Have you considered an actuarial career? Are you analytical and good with numbers? Do you like having impact on your company, and have a career that is not only valued but well rewarded?

The infographic below gives you a number of parameters and reasons why you might want to be an actuary.

There is high demand for actuaries and specific accreditation societies to prove your value. You can work across the country and mid-size cities pay as well as large ones. You aren’t constrained to working at only insurance companies. You can work at top consulting firms as well. There are great schools that offer excellent actuarial bachelor programs and when you finish you can work in a variety of industries. Join the 40,000+ members of the Society of Actuaries or the Casualty Actuarial Society!

Why wouldn’t you want to be an actuary? Contact Smith Hanley Associates’ Actuarial Recruiters, Rory Hauser at rhauser@smithhanley.com.



Infographic on why you would want to be an actuary



  1. Want to be an Actuary?  Inside the Numbers  An Infographic from Smith Hanley Associates, LLC
  2. 40,296 members of actuarial societies with 22.3% in the Casualty Actuarial Society and 77.7% in the Society of Actuaries.
  3. Best States to Work In by job availability, pay, location quotient and COLA:  Maine, New York, Rhode Island, Washington and Connecticut.
  4. Highest Paying Cities by average salary from uswage.com:  Charlotte, NC $147,800, Stamford, CT $146,880, Richmond, VA $137,720, San Francisco, CA $133,280 and Seattle, WA $132,280.
  5. Top Consulting Firms:  Willis Towers Watson, Milliman, PWC, Perr & Knight and Oliver Wyman.
  6. Best Actuarial Programs:  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The University of Texas at Austin, Michigan State University, University of Connecticut, Binghamton University (SUNY).
  7. Top Industry Fields:  Healthcare, Life Insurance, Property and Casualty Insurance, Pension & Retirement Plans, Banking & Investments.
  8. For more information on actuarial recruiting:  Smith Hanley Associates – Rory Hauser at rhauser@smithhanley.com.


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