Following the right data science blogs is essential to the development of your career. Yes, your inbox could get inundated, but if you try a new one every few weeks and unsubscribe from those you don’t like, you can curate a list that is the most effective for you. If you are job hunting, data science blogs can keep you up-to-date on the latest topics which will show you like to stay abreast of what is happening in your chosen field. Here are my recommendations for the best data science blogs to follow.
Data Science Central
This is at the top of most data science blog lists. Their site updates frequently, nearly two blogs a day, and they provide a community forum for discussions and questions. They provide the most in-depth information on the largest variety of data science topics. For example, their Hadoop has sections on relevant books, Hadoop events, Hadoop daily news, Hadoop training, Hadoop jobs, conferences and other related advertising. They do this for AI, machine learning, analytics, statistics, big data, data visualization, deep learning, etc. etc.
KD Nuggets
Even though this site is really ugly to look at, it is probably one of the longest standing and highly regarded sites on data science, analytics and machine learning. It is definitely for the more advanced practitioner and gives many statistical examples and analytics supporting their posts. This site is updated multiple times daily and is viewed as “an absolute must-bookmark site for anyone interested in the data science field.”
Kaggle and No Free Hunch
Kaggle is well known as the place to do data science projects. According to their website you can “start a new project, explore projects created by others, join one of our competitions or take a course to advance your data science skills.” Kaggle is typically on a data scientist’s radar for what they can take away from the competitions that are run on the site. The data problems are innovative and interesting and offer a number of perspectives to learn from. Their blog, No Free Hunch, offers curated insight on these projects and competitions.
Simply Statistics
This low volume post site crops up on many top data science blogs lists. It is more of a statistics blog than a data science blog as it is run by three biostatistics professors out of John Hopkins, Harvard and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Their site says, “they are fired up about the new era where data are abundant and statisticians are scientists. We’ll be posting ideas we find interesting, contributing to discussion of science/popular writing, linking to articles that inspire us, and sharing advice with up-and-coming statisticians.”
Analytics Vidhya
This is a vibrant online community of data professionals that are dedicated to the study of analytics. It features high quality, user-submitted content from people who are heavily involved in the field. You do have to create an account and the jobs listed are mostly in India.
O’Reilly Data Newsletter
This is on many best data science blog lists but while it is a “great snapshot of the tech and big data sector…makes for a must open”, we find it to be a bit general and more information technology focused than data science focused.
Cross Validated
This is a new find and a good one. It is a question and answer site for people interested in statistics, machine learning, data analysis, data mining and data visualization. Anybody can ask a question. Anybody can answer. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. There are 134,000 questions on the site and 50,000 are unanswered, but the answered questions include interesting topics like, What if my linear regression data contains several co-mingled linear relationships? What processes could generate Laplace-distributed (double exponential) data or parameters?