Since 2010 the number of days in the interview process has doubled to 23. Interviewing has become more comprehensive utilizing a variety of additional screening methods like multiple phone screens, video interviews, group presentations, IQ, personality and drug tests, all above and beyond the typical in-person conversation. A Robert Half survey found that 57% of job seekers find the most frustrating part of a job search is the long wait after the interview for feedback. Invariably candidates expect to hear within a week, but if it goes beyond 14 days, 57% of job seekers lose interest in the job. What can you do to positively impact this waiting game?
Next Steps
Ask about next steps at the end of EVERY interview; phone, video and in-person.
A compelling thank you note or soliciting an endorsement from a personal connection at the company can be very impactful.
Allow yourself a particular number of attempts at contact over the course of a limited time. If you get feedback, great; if not, move on.
Your level of professionalism will be noted and remembered. Be gracious. Don’t express annoyance. Follow your gut. If the responses to your outreach are warm, keep trying. Chilly or no response, move on.
Hiring Manager
Reaching out directly to the person you would be working for can reinvigorate the process or bring it to a clear close.
Keep Looking
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Keep your application pipeline full. Another offer could move the process at this slow-poke company along.
This experience can help you in your next company interaction or prepare you to deal with this same company in the future. It can also help you decide if this is a company you want to work for.
It might seem like simple rudeness when a company doesn’t provide timely interview feedback, but vacations, hiring freezes, restructurings, resignations and work projects all conspire to slow down response. Stay flexible and positive but keep your options open.