10 Skype Interview Do’s

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Many of our clients conduct two to three phone interviews before a final in-person visit to the company. It pays to be prepared for one of those phone interviews to be an online video. What is the number one tip for Skype interviewing? LOOK AT THE CAMERA NOT AT THE PICTURE OF YOUR INTERVIEWER ON THE SCREEN! Here are some more Skype interviewing do’s.




1. Do use a professional Skype account name. Just like with your email address, your Skype handle communicates your professionalism or not.

2. Do test your technology through a trial run with a friend. Audio or video blowing up during the interview is not a good thing.

3. Do turn off all other programs/notifications on your computer during the interview. Beeping and instant messaging is distracting to you and the interviewer.

4. Do control your environment. Close the door on pets and children. Make sure the background is professional or, at least, uncluttered.

5. Do work on the lighting. All lighting should come from in front of you. Windows or a light source behind you makes your face invisible. Use a lamp with diffused lighting about six feet in front of you. A cloth over the light can soften the glare.

6. Do position yourself correctly. Sit far enough back from the computer to frame your upper body not just your face. Allowing your hands to be seen makes the conversation more interesting. Place the computer higher than desk height, so you are looking forward and not downward.

7. Do dress professionally. Whether they will see all of you or not, you need to approach it as seriously as an in-person interview.

8. Do have your resume and notes in front of you. An advantage of Skype interviewing is that you can keep notes handy for scanning to remind you of questions or points you want to make. Just make sure you SCAN them and don’t read them.

9. Do smile! Make sure your personality comes through during the interview. Often candidates are far more serious in a Skype interview because of the lack of physical cues. You still need to be likeable and engaged.

10. Do send a thank you email. Don’t miss this opportunity to address an issue that was raised during the interview. It is a chance to sell yourself and it is expected.

For more advice and information on all of your interviewing needs, contact Jacque Paige, Managing Director, Smith Hanley Associates, at jpaige@smithhanley.com.

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