Which Social Media Personality Are You? (And why is it important?)

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Are you a Quizzer, a Peacock or a Ghost? A Lurker or a Denier? If you participate in social media, according to a survey done by online bank First Direct, you most likely fall into one 12 unique personality types—or you may exhibit a combination of characteristics. You may even behave differently from site to site, presenting a different side on Facebook than on Twitter.

The 12 Social Media Personalities [Infographic]

[Infographic and study credit: first direct]

As recruiters, we see these personalities reflected in many of the profiles we review on LinkedIn and other social media sites. Some candidates are regularly posting updates, endorsing others, participating in chats and retweeting useful information. Others just put up a bare bones profile and let it sit there.

These days, if you want to grow your career, become well-known in your industry or find a new position, you not only have to have a social media presence, but a social media personality. It may seem like it would be difficult to stand out in the never-ending stream of social sites, but it’s actually quite easy if you know how.

You see, it’s all about you. For example:

1. When you post on a social media site, write in your own voice.

What kind of person are you? Street-savvy? Educated and eloquent?  Funny and full of stories, or thoughtful and full of facts? When people read your posts or Tweets, they should hear your voice. In fact, before you publish, read your printed words out loud to make sure you’re writing the way you talk.

2. You can be serious, but don’t be boring.

You don’t have to be funny, sarcastic or unconventional to stand out—unless that’s how you really are! An understated, more serious communication style can be just as compelling. Just don’t be so long-winded, stuffy or pompous that you remind people of their least favorite professor.

3. You want to provoke responses.

If your social media posts are repetitive, unhelpful or irrelevant, you’ll lose your audience. Keep up with your industry, find aspects to comment upon, then build messages around them. Your goal is not to pick a fight but to spark discussion or at least thought.

4. Watch and learn.

Before engaging in a direct conversation with an industry leader or prime employment prospect, observe their interaction style, the type of language they use, and what topics are important to them. You can then craft your own messages to be in sync with their tone and manner.

5. Ask great questions.

Start a debate by posting an insightful or polarizing question on a controversial, fun or serious topic.  You’ll get a discussion going and get your name out there.

When people can relate to your social media personality, you’ll get noticed—and “Liked” and retweeted. Your following will grow, and you’ll become better connected and more influential. Just don’t be a Dipper or a Ranter!

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