The Changing Digital Marketing Landscape

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Even in the burgeoning marketing analytics field, digital marketing is escalating at an exceptional rate. Why? Because of the overall shift to a digital marketplace. Inbound, real-time, and data-driven marketing are creating more revenue, more quickly. They’re also creating massive amounts of real-time data that for the most part is not being used, or not being used efficiently, to make a sig­nif­i­cant impact on a company’s business.

And then there’s content marketing. Customers are consuming more content than ever before, and savvy marketers realized very quickly that they needed much more content, more often, in many different places.

But in the scramble to get a handle on all of the new technology, transparency, channels and social interactions that the world is adopting, most marketers and companies didn’t have the time to evolve their tools and business practices accordingly.

And with so many choices and so many channels, one big problem remains: attribution metrics. For example, how can you calculate the value of an email blast to a campaign?

Digital marketing analytics professionals can help you:

  • Ensure your digital presence meets the needs of your customers
  • Help you effectively allocate your interactive marketing budget by interpreting the relative performance of each online channel
  • Uncover opportunities for growth and areas for improvement with competitive intelligence about your peers and competitors
  • Discover market segments, predict offer response and identify cross-sell
  • Determine campaign results with response attribution and build future interactions based on each individual’s response history.

That sounds fantastic, but there’s a perceived problem in the industry:

According to the 2013 edition of “The State of Digital Customer Experience Technology” by Forrester Research, 56% of surveyed professionals are making analytics strategies and tools top priorities for the next 24 months. Web content management (34%) and customer relationship management (30%) are also high on the list. Here’s the monkey wrench:  only 24% of professionals feel that they have the right IT people currently on staff to handle these types of projects. And another hurdle: 37% of analytics decision makers say that finding adequate analytics talent is difficult.

The good news? Smith Hanley doesn’t see this as a problem at all. With our experience in the marketing analytics field, we know where to find the professionals you need, and we will work with you to bring them on board at your company.

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