We’ve all seen the best companies to work for lists, or the great workplace awards or the company with the most desirable benefits ranking. What about if you are an Actuary? Executive Recruiter, Rory Hauser,
You’ve earned your ACAS or your FSA. You’re pleased with your level of success but a little concerned about your distance from actual statistical work. How can you continue to move ahead in responsibility and
The data science revolution is impacting actuarial careers. We are re-running our very popular 8/8/16 blog titled: I’m an Actuary. Can I be a Data Scientist? to open the discussion on how actuaries can augment
An actuary’s primary responsibility is to calculate expected insurance losses and risks. Seem boring? Too Vanilla? Not true! While the existing stereotype about a career in insurance is that it will be boring, the reality
The Data Science revolution is not going away and it pays for actuaries to prepare for the impact that big data is having on the insurance industry and their careers. The Healthcare and Property and